Bargaining Team 2024
Our bargaining team is made up of eight delegates, a member of the NZNO Board and a member of Te Poari; ten members in total. All members in the team must work for Te Whatu Ora and be covered by the collective agreement we negotiate.
Our delegate members of the bargaining team were nominated by members and selected by a panel made up of two members of the National Delegates Committee, a member of the Board, a member of Te Poari and the advocate in our bargaining. In May members voted to endorse the eight delegate members of the bargaining team.
Delegate members of the bargaining team (8)
Glenda Huston
Glenda Huston, EN, Taranaki
I am an EN who trained in Palmerston North. The majority of my career was in Mental Health, starting at Lake Alice in the early 90’s. I now work in the Transition Unit at Base Hospital in New Plymouth. I’m a Mum of four, and love walking and tramping around our beautiful country whenever I get the chance
Linda Logan
Linda Logan, RN, Rotorua
Kia Ora my name is Lyn Logan, and I am an ex UK naval nurse who has been working in the bay of plenty for over 18 years. I currently work in a busy ED as ACNM. In my spare time I am a active committee member for the college of emergency nurses (CENNZ), and regional council, along with being an NZNO convenor for my hospital. I am keen to represent our members to the best of my abilities on the bargaining team.
Debra Handisides
Debra Handisides, EN, Christchurch
I am an enrolled nurse from Canterbury, I was on the bargaining team last negotiation. I have been a delegate for 17yrs, I am the chairperson of Burwood delegates WOC. I am vice chair of the Canterbury regional committee, and vice chair of the Canterbury Enrolled Nurses section, I am also the Canterbury representative on the NDC.
Rachel Thorn
Rachel Thorn, RN, Te Tai Tokerau, Whangārei
I'm a senior nurse from Whangarei, Te Tai Tokerau - an ED RN, clinical nurse coordinator, assistant clinical nurse manger, union delegate and co-convenor for the Northland region. I will work my hardest to get the best outcome for you all, whether RN, EN or HCA. I was a member of the previous bargaining team and am looking forward to bringing the invaluable experience and incredible, generous learning I gained from the team members. Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini.
Allister Dietschin
Allister Dietschin, HCA, Christchurch
As convenor of the Christchurch Hospital WOC and being an active delegate, I have helped organise and lead collective actions. As a member of the previous bargaining team, I gained experience in the bargaining process, have learnt more about industrial legislation and am able to advocate well for Healthcare Assistants while also supporting colleagues from other occupational groups. I have a strong sense of social and political justice and strongly support Māori struggles for tino rangatiratanga, te Tiriti and understand tikanga. I am committed to negotiating the best deal we as a team can get for our collective agreement.
Dawn Barrett
Dawn Barrett, RN, Auckland
I am Dawn Barrett, RN at Greenlane Clinical Centre (ophthal and surgical) and NZNO Convenor Delegate for Te Toka Tumai (Auckland Hospital). I have been a delegate for over 7 years, active in the last 2 collective agreement campaigns. My passion is safe staffing and supporting/protecting nursing as a profession. My interests are hampered by the many adult children that still live at home, but I can't wait to flourish as an empty nester.
Grant Cloughley
Grant Cloughley, RN, Christchurch
Since I started work in the health industry 40 years ago, I have been a medical orderly (forerunner to HCA), EN, RN, DNM and 20+ years as a flight nurse. I worked in Geriatrics, plastics, surgical, orthopaedics, 22yrs in ICU and the last 15yrs in paediatrics so I believe I have a working knowledge of most roles covered in our CA. Since 'retiring' last year I have remained as a floating delegate for Midcentral, and as a resource for Midcentral and other regions delegates. I'm currently seeking permanent employment with Canterbury District. I was on the negotiation team for the very last DHB MECA and then the first Collective Agreement where I took on the role of communicating to members the events/outcomes of each day of negotiation.
Noreen McCallan
Noreen McCallan, RN, Hawkes Bay
I am the co-convenor of the delegate group at Te Mata a Maui, Hawke’s Bay hospital and was on the bargaining team in the last round of negotiations. It will be a huge challenge to negotiate with the new government representatives in this cost cutting climate. There will be complex issues to negotiate including safe staffing ratios, as well as some unresolved issues from the last round of negotiations not least of all the senior nurse’s dissatisfaction. The DSN working group will feedback to the bargaining team as will the results from the members claims meetings coming up. This will provide us with the members issues to forge ahead with the negotiating.
Confirmed NZNO Board of Directors and Te Poari members of the bargaining team (2)
Maria Tutahi
Maria Tutahi, RN, Waikato. Te Poari member of the bargaining team.
Nga mihi maioha Kia tātou
Ko wai au?
Ko Maria Tutahi tōku ingoa, no te Tiamana o Toputanga Tapuhi Kaitiaki (Te Runanga) o Te Manawa Taki o Waikato. He mahi au ki te Whare Whatukuhu I Te Whatu Ora o Waikato. No Ruatoki au, heoi ano, e noho au ki Kirikiriroa.
Nano Tunnicliff
Nano Tunnicliff, RN, Wellington. NZNO Board of Directors member of the bargaining team.
Ko Nano Tunnicliff toku ingoa. Ko ahau to Perehitini Tuarua o NZNO. Te māngai o te poari ki te roopu whiriwhiri kirimana.
My name is Nano Tunnicliff, Vice President NZNO. Registered nurse at Medical Day Ward, Kenepuru Hospital. I am the NZNO Board representative on the Te Whatu ora collective agreement bargaining team. I am a work place delegate and health and safety representative. I have previous bargaining experience as a NZNO delegate on the DHB MECA in 2003/04.